Berlin Memorial

The Berlin Memorial as well as the activity we did taught me that there were a lot stranger laws than I believed. They banned Jews from keeping pets, even something as simple as a bird got someone shot. They did this to demoralize the Jews which at the time, probably worked. However I feel they could have left it at taking away their homes, taking their dogs and cats was a nail in the coffin.

A memorial, was built sometime after the end of WW2. It was made to show a kind of remembrance to the ways Jews were mistreated. Nuremberg laws covered lampposts, so that the people never forget, more importantly though, it was done in hope that it never happens again.

The laws were often passed in large chunks, every 3-4 years. The first batch banned Jews from having fun, as well as limiting the higher ranking jobs. The second batch, prohibited  the Jews from having almost any jobs. The  final, and arguably worst batch came in 1942 banning the final jobs, and took away eggs meat milk etc from them as well as pets.

The hardest restriction for me to deal with, would probably be the ones that restricted food. Not only because i really enjoy food, but because those were the only ones that were necessary. The work ones weren’t necessarily necessary to survive where as food is.  


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